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BMW Engine bay styling

If you though that BMW engines were nice then you were probably thinking about their silky smooth running and their power output. This BMW owner has taken his engine bay styling to a new level. In the new BMWs you get a boring plastic engine cover.

This proud BMW eschews all things plastic and boring, and instead has got a colour coded engine. The Air intake and exhaust headers on this stunning engine have been painted to match the colour of the rest of the car. When painting engine components you need to be aware that they will get very hot and it becomes a challenge to get a paint that will not crack or discolour. Even the final clearcote has been known to give a golden tinge when it gets hot. Concentrating on the Cooler intake side will help. The engine bay also boasts a strut brace and is one of the cleanest engines car styling tips have seen in a while.

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